retrieving jmx tabular data

Bala Nair bnairtm at
Tue Oct 5 15:35:43 UTC 2010

  We have a number of jmx enabled applications which expose "complex" 
data types using the TabularDataSupport class in javax management.  This 
allows them to define complex data as a key value hash and to add an 
arbitrary number of objects of a specific "type" to a collection to be 
monitored by jmx clients.  This data is all trait type data, not 
counters.  We really want to show a snapshot of the current state of the 
system.  We don't need a historical record.  I have looked through the 
code and samples looking for an example of how to do this and so far 
haven't found anything.  Is it possible to do something like this?

Bala Nair
SeaChange International

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