re-ordering the tabs

Ian Springer ian.springer at
Mon Nov 29 18:51:10 UTC 2010

Sounds good to me.

Maybe put Events right after Monitor, since it's really a form of 
monitoring, and so the two tabs that potentially involve updating the 
Resource or its state - Configuration and Operations - are all the way 
to the right.

On 11/29/2010 10:46 AM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
> I'm looking at the tabs, and I don't see any rhyme or reason why they
> are ordered the way they are:
> Summary, Monitor, Inventory, Operations, Alerts, Configuration, Events
> Can I recommend we change this order to:
> Summary, Inventory, Alert, Monitor, Operations, Configuration, Events
> for the following reasons:
> Summary, Inventory relate to what makes up the resource - what it IS -
> it defines the resource itself and how its constituted. So we keep them
> together and up front.
> Alerts relate to what the resource did or is doing that is abnormal -
> its really standalone. But we have it here, third, for a reason, see below.
> Monitor, Operations, Configuration, Events are all subsystems that
> describe what the resource is doing or can do. Thus, we keep them all
> together. Since Operations, Config and Events are optional, they appear
> after Monitor (thus, since Monitor always exists, its always first in
> this group, the other three can appear in any combination depending on
> the resource type).
> Note:
> Summary, Inventory, Alert and Monitor always exist - so the first four
> tabs will always be in the same place for any resource (i.e. the UI will
> be consistent no matter what resource you are looking for).  e.g. If I
> want to go to an alert tab, I know, regardless of what resource I'm
> looking at, I need to go to the third tab.
> And for groups, its basically the same - the first THREE tabs are always
> the same. So, no matter what I'm looking at - a compat group, mixed
> group, auto-group or individual resource, the first three tabs are
> always the same. Full consistency of the tabs across every view - the
> only tabs that come and go are the subsystem tabs and they are on the
> far right - the location of summary, inventory, alerts, monitor never move.
> Unless there are objections, I would like to alter the tabs so they
> appear in the order as described above.
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Ian Springer
Principal Software Developer
JBoss Operations Network
Red Hat
ian.springer at

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