Proposal: New Agent Communications

Greg Hinkle greghinkle at
Wed Nov 3 15:51:10 UTC 2010

I've written up a proposal for a new Agent Communications System that I'd like to contribute for RHQ in the future. I'll start with not including the whole proposal in mail, but perhaps we can copy-paste any pieces you guys would like to discuss or comment on.

Executive Summary: 
This new communication system, based on HornetQ, offers reduced configuration and deployment complexity, improved security and performance and a simpler, easier to maintain design. The biggest new features are unidirectional socket listening (server no longer needs to be able to open socket to agent), performance/scalability via nio/aio and simple to use SSL based authorization and encryption.

It obviously isn't a small change to sneak in at the end of a release, but I do think it can be packaged into a fairly localized set of changes that can be managed in a branch until it's ready. Feedback welcome.

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