when can we deprecate jdk5?

Charles Crouch ccrouch at redhat.com
Wed Mar 3 18:09:21 UTC 2010

Ant already does this for jdk < 6 ...

or (pseudo code)

if (unix)
  Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod u+x /path/to/file");

----- "John Mazzitelli" <mazz at redhat.com> wrote:

> i'm sending this to both users and devel lists because it involves
> both.
> Who is using RHQ that *require* the use of Java5? If so, what
> platforms 
> are you running RHQ on that require Java5?
> What are the ramifications if we stop Java5 support and require that
> the 
> server and agent run on at least Java6?
> I currently hit an issue that, if we were to use Java6, would be done
> already.
> Instead, I have to hack this up and take I don't know how long to even
> get the hack coded up.
> Specifically, I'm talking about this:
> java.io.File.setExecutable(boolean)
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