I18N, message bundles and I18Nlog

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Tue Jun 1 18:53:00 UTC 2010

Mazz, so if I follow, we've got the "en" local in the code, why even 
have the "de" locale in the code.  Why not just have a "de" properties 

For new languages a human would need to take one of the previously 
translated properties files (.en, .de) and generate the new one, either 
from scratch or by machine translation and then human fix-up.   And 
other languages could be machine translated, I guess.

On 5/26/2010 9:21 AM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
>>>> Which would require every contributor to add new translation to this
>>>> file, which sounds more and more impractical.
>>> Oh, I guess in short what I wanted to say is - contributors aren't
>>> required to do that.
>> Do you happen to know the maven standard location for those?
> You can just put them in the normal src/main/resources location in the
> maven module (e.g. src/main/resources/messages_fr.properties)
> They will get copied over to the jar and will end up in the same place
> as the auto-generated .properties files (which is simply at the top root
> directory of the jar).
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