
Lukas Krejci lkrejci at
Thu Jul 1 11:44:37 UTC 2010

Hi Alex,

To enable remote debugging, you can start the RHQ server like this:




On Thursday, July 01, 2010 11:28:38 Alexander Kiefer wrote:
> Hello,
> I needed to add a method to the ResourceMetadataMangerLocal interface of my
> Nagios branch and implemented it in the according bean because I´m working
> on the usage of dynamic metadata. The goal is to generate new ResourceTypes
> at runtime.
> ***************************************************************************
> ********************************** /** Method to add a runtime-created
> resourceType to an existing plugin */ public void
> addNewResourceType(String newResourceTypeName) {
>         Plugin plugin = null;
>         try {
>             plugin =
> LookupUtil.getResourceMetadataManager().getPlugin("NagiosMonitor");
>         } catch (NoResultException nre) {
>             //NoResultException is thrown if no plugin with spcific name
> exists
>             log.error(nre);
>         }
>"Name of returned plugin: " + plugin.getName());
>         //Method to get the parent resource Type
>         //Got name and plugin from the rhq_resource_type table in the rhq
> database
>         ResourceType parentResourceType =
> LookupUtil.getResourceTypeManager().getResourceTypeByNameAndPlugin(
>             "NagiosMonitor", "NagiosMonitor");
>"Name of parent ResourceType: " +
> parentResourceType.getName());
>         ResourceType newResourceType = new
> ResourceType(newResourceTypeName, plugin.getName(),
>             ResourceCategory.SERVICE, parentResourceType);
>"Name of new ResourceType: " + newResourceType.getName());
>         updateType(newResourceType);
>     }
> ***************************************************************************
> ***********************************
> As far as I can see in the log files the method seems to work correct, but
> no persistence of the new ResourceType is done in the DB allthough the log
> file says that the methods are called correctly (those methods that are
> called within the updateType() - method).
> So I need to debug the running code in the RHQ Server. I only did this with
> standalone JBoss AS and not with the embedded JBoss in the RHQ server. On
> standalone JBoss I would add the following line to the of the Jboss
> AS. If i do this in the embedded JBoss, the server can´t be started any
> more.
> -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8787,suspend=n"
> I dont want to set RHQ_SERVER_DEBUG to get additionally debug messages or
> mvn -Dtest.debug to debug my unit tests. What i want is to debug my running
> beans step by step from Eclipse to find out what is going wrong .How can i
> handle this?
> Thank you very much,
> Alex

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