Fwd: How to get SystemInfo from a Plugin

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Tue Jan 26 14:23:07 UTC 2010

 > For templating,  it looks like all the information we want is hanging
 > off the SystmInfo interface.
 > We can get the system info object off the resource context.  I am not
 > sure the correct way to get the resource context.  I see  that it is
 > available fairly early in the creation of the resource object on the
 > agent side, but I'm unclear about where to get it later, specifically
 > when trying to write configuration files.

I actually think you don't need the resource context for what you want 
to do. The resource context is really just for the plugin component's 
use - you'll see we create a context in 
InventoryManager.activateResource and just pass it to the plugin itself. 
But we do store it in the ResourceContainer - so if you have a 
ResourceContainer instance, just call 

But you don't need that if all you want is a SystemInfo.

The SystemInfo object is the API into the native system stuff - it 
essentially is the API we give to plugin developers so they can access 
things via SIGAR.

There is a SystemInfoFactory object that is used to initialize SIGAR and 
get a SystemInfo instance - for use by the plugin container.

If you need a SystemInfo object within the plugin container code (e.g. 
not within a plugin, but inside the actual plugin container managers), 
you can directly create a SystemInfo from the factory:


(note: that actually doesn't "create" one - in that code, it actually 
just returns a cached instance, so it only creates it once the first 
time its called)

Hope that helps,
John Mazz

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