About to change 17 plugins

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at redhat.com
Mon Feb 22 18:15:17 UTC 2010

On Monday 22 February 2010 19:06:56 John Mazzitelli wrote:
> On 02/22/2010 01:00 PM, Lukas Krejci wrote:
> > understood it. The underlying code provides information to do that but
> > the UI hasn't been adapted yet. I think req for doing this should
> > originate in the UXD designs.
> Would it be best to not commit this until the UI work is also done? (or
> is this only done in its own branch?)

Master currently contains the changes that disambiguate the results in all 
parts of the UI (e.g. the main search, various resource selectors, group 
member lists, etc.)

> In other words, if we commit to master all the plugin changes, but yet
> the UI has not been re-designed/re-implemented, wouldn't that then
> render the UI worse off than it is currently? And it would remain that
> way until we actually fix the UI (when is that scheduled to happen?)

I think the time is right for changing the plugins. With the UI changes 
mentioned above, we will actually make the current UI look better by 
shortening the resource names (the tree will be less "chatty", the lists will 
show identifiable results). What I meant was that I didn't think that was the 
final stage but it definitely is a good start.

> Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what is going to be committed and where. (?)
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