About to change 17 plugins

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at redhat.com
Mon Feb 22 18:00:30 UTC 2010

We've started.

Right now, we've replaced all the parent columns in the UI to show the 
"disambiguated ancestry" for particular search results. I.e. you no longer get 
5 "Code Cache Memory Pool" with parent "Memory Subsystem". The parent will be 
expanded up to an ancestor that is unique for each row in the result set.

The original design (http://jopr.org/display/RHQ/Design+-+Resource+Naming) 
talks about showing different columns for different sets of resources (i.e. 
don't show ancestry if all the resources have the same parent) or so I 
understood it. The underlying code provides information to do that but the UI 
hasn't been adapted yet. I think req for doing this should originate in the 
UXD designs.

On Monday 22 February 2010 17:30:43 John Mazzitelli wrote:
> On 02/22/2010 11:22 AM, Lukas Krejci wrote:
> > In the next couple of days me and Filip are going to change the resource
> > names generated during the discovery in the following 17 plugins:
> Does this mean we've fixed the problems in the UI which required us to
> have those long names in the first place?
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