About to change 17 plugins

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at redhat.com
Mon Feb 22 16:22:02 UTC 2010

Hi there,

In the next couple of days me and Filip are going to change the resource names 
generated during the discovery in the following 17 plugins:

apache, grub, iis, jboss-as, jboss-as-5, jira, oracle, platforms, postfix, 
postgres, rhq-agent, rhq-server, samba, script2, snmptrapd, tomcat, virt

If you feel particularly attached to one of those plugins or just are 
interested in what we're going to change it to, take a look at 
http://jopr.org/display/RHQ/New+Resource+Names+By+Plugin to find out.

If you think the changes don't make sense or some other approach would be more 
suitable, now's the time to speak up.



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