Splitting release bits

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Sat Feb 6 06:58:02 UTC 2010


currently our release is >> 100 MB with a big part of it being the underlying JBossAS server.

On one side, the fully contained archive is a great thing, as a user only needs to download and
unzip it and then is able to start via start script (modulo db install).

But for users that want to follow the community releases, this is less than optimal, as they
have to download the whole bits (including AS) again.

Could we for the future (in addition to the full release) also release a "patch" that users
can just apply on top of an existing install?

A way to create such a "patch" could be: 

- install release n-1
- touch /tmp/now
- install release n over release n-1 (in place)
- do a find $release_root -newer /tmp/now  and use this file list for files to go into 
  the patch (there may be even be an appropriate option to the zip command).


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