CLI questions

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at
Mon Feb 1 15:50:07 UTC 2010

Hi Marek, if you have not already found it then check out the 
DiscoveryBoss remote API.  This is the remote api that mimics the 
auto-discovery queue.

On 1/28/2010 7:46 AM, Marek Goldmann wrote:
> Hi all,
> How can I import a resource? I can see in ResourceManager a uninventory command, but where is addToInventory command? I cannot see InventoryManager exposed in remote API as InventoryManagerRemote? It is a bug or "feature"?
> There is a need to add for more complicated examples to page. Currently there are only searching examples which is good but not sufficient. More examples like: updating configuration, setting alerts, importing, unimporting, deploying apps, etc etc would be much appreciated.
> --Marek
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