plan for new GWT-based Operations GUI

Ian Springer ian.springer at
Tue Dec 14 20:47:30 UTC 2010

Here is my current plan for the operations GUI. Comments welcome.

-- Ian

I. Scheduler widget
   - new shared GWT widget that will allow user to define a schedule for 
some action - user can choose to specify schedule using either a 
multi-field form or a cron-syntax entry (see attached PDF for the 
mockups from UXD)
   - to support this we will need some new Trigger POJOs that will live 
in core-domain - we cannot use the Quartz trigger classes as portal-war 
does, because they would need to be gwt-compiled, and we don't want to 
go there
   --- the Trigger POJOs would be used by new OperationsManager SLSB 
methods - e.g. scheduleOperationForResource(int resourceId, String 
operationName, Configuration operationParams, String notes, Trigger trigger)

II. Abstract Base Classes for Operations Schedule and History 
DataSources and Views
   - to be subclassed for both Resource and Group Operations impl classes

III. Resource Operations Tab

A. Schedule subtab
   - currently JSF iframe
   - will consist of 2 parts - scheduled operation list view and 
schedule new operation details view
   - new operations detail view
   --- everything will be on a single page
   --- will have a pulldown menu with operation names at top of page - 
when an operation is selected, its description and parameters (config 
editor) will be displayed just below the pulldown menu
   --- below the operation name/dsc/params will be the schedule form, 
which will make use of the new scheduler widget
   --- at the very bottom will be the Save, Reset?, and Cancel buttons - 
these will be anchored at the bottom (i.e. they won't scroll vertically 
with the rest of the view)
   - details view for an existing scheduled operation will not be 
supported in this first pass, but we hope to add that later

B. History subtab
   - already ported to GWT, but details view doesn't work - need to fix that
   - also look for bugs in the list view and fix any I find

IV. Group Operations Tab

A. Schedule subtab
   - currently JSF iframe
   - same as Resource subtab, except support for selecting serial versus 
parallel, as well as ordering if serial
   - any other differences?

B. History subtab
   - currently JSF iframe
   - same as Resource subtab, except support for drilling down on 
operation results for each member of the group
   - any other differences?

V. Other
   - we may want to add a relation between a schedule and a Set of 
history items, so we can display that correlation in the GUI
   - Joe, Mazz - what else have I missed?

-------------- next part --------------
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