review of commit ea30719

Ian Springer ian.springer at
Mon Dec 13 21:25:59 UTC 2010

On 12/13/2010 01:41 PM, Joseph Marques wrote:
> On 12/13/2010 01:21 PM, Ian Springer wrote:
>> On 12/13/2010 12:47 PM, Joseph Marques wrote:
>>>> commit ea307199f414e3f155c4ababaabb5fee769c6c9c
>>>> Author: Ian Springer<ian.springer at>
>>>> Date:   Mon Dec 13 12:30:56 2010 -0500
>>>>         2nd attempt at fixing subtab refresh when switching back to a subtab from another subtab on the same Resource or group, hopefully this time without breaking TableSection detail views (; disable ack-all and delete-all buttons on alert history view if there are 0 alerts in the history
>>> ...
>>>> modules/enterprise/gui/coregui/src/main/java/org/rhq/enterprise/gui/coregui/client/inventory/common/detai/
>>>> @@ -240,11 +240,12 @@ public abstract class AbstractTwoLevelTabSetView<T, U extends Layout>     extends Lo
>>>>                  if (subView instanceof BookmarkableView) {
>>>>                      // Handle any remaining view items (e.g. id of a selected item in a subtab that contains a Master-Details view).
>>>>                      ((BookmarkableView) subView).renderView(viewPath);
>>>> -            } else if (subView instanceof RefreshableView) {
>>>> -                if (subView.isDrawn()) {
>>>> -                    // Refresh the data on the subtab, so it's not stale.
>>>> -                    ((RefreshableView) subView).refresh();
>>>> -                }
>>>> +            }
>>>> +
>>>> +            if (subView instanceof RefreshableView&&     viewPath.isEnd()&&     subView.isDrawn()) {
>>>> +                // Refresh the data on the subtab, so it's not stale.
>>>> +                Log.debug("Refreshing data for [" + subView.getClass().getName() + "]...");
>>>> +                ((RefreshableView) subView).refresh();
>>>>                  }
>>>>                  this.tabSet.markForRedraw();
>>> Now I think we're dealing with a race condition.  Since many
>>> RefreshableViews are also BookmarkableViews, both checks may catch.
>>> However, the renderView(ViewPath) method is not guaranteed to do all of
>>> its work synchronously, so we may be calling refresh() before some or
>>> all of the asynchronous work inside renderView(ViewPath) completes.
>> Ugh, yes, you're right. In fact, this is how the code used to be, and
>> Jay changed it at some point to prevent that race condition. Since our
>> renderView() API currently provides no viewRendered() callback
>> mechanism, I think the easiest way to address this for now is for a view
>> V that implements both BookmarkableView and RefreshableView (the case
>> I'm trying to cover here), make V's renderView impl responsible for
>> calling refresh() on itself when it's all done doing its own thing. What
>> do you think?
> If this were a rare scenario, I'd agree that your suggested workaround
> is sufficient.  In this case, however, the set of classes that implement
> RefreshableView has a high degree of overlap between the set that
> implement BookmarkableView, so it might just lead to more bugs from
> inconsistencies due to lack of enforcement.  So I'm inclined to believe
> it's going to save us more time and headache in the long run if a
> solution is implemented at the infrastructure layer, not the individual
> views.
> _______________________________________________

It actually is relatively rare. The change to renderView() would only 
need to be made in the following classes:

- Table
- (resource)ActivityView
- (group)ActivityView
- ResourceResourceAgentView

If we did it at the infrastructure level, I guess we could renderView to 
make a callback to CoreGUI upon fully rendering its view:

CoreGUI.viewRendered(BookmarkableView renderedView)

and then viewRendered() would do:

if (renderedView instanceof RefreshableView) {

but this would require every single impl of renderView to be updated to 
make the callback, so it would still involve impls to be updated, and 
even more of them. I don't think the framework is centralized enough to 
make changes only at the infrastructure level.

So, I'd be inclined to do it the former way, rather than revamping the 

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