new editable summary fields

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Mon Dec 13 16:02:07 UTC 2010


 > 2) the width of the field isn't entirely correct. It looks like the
 > width of the item isn't as wide as the dynamic form column. Need to
 > figure out the proper API calls to make so the item expands to fit the
 > entire width of the form.

I fixed this. Bugzilla 662337 has been closed.

On 12/11/2010 04:28 PM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
> I think I solved the "ghost pencil" problem (the editable/read-only
> fields in the summary areas where the pencil was slow to render and then
> when you moved away it stuck around for 5s and then disappeared).
> (note: I got started down this path because I needed an editable
> boolean/checkbox field for the recursive-flag setting - see
> )
> I checked in a new implementation. ToggleableTextItem has gone away,
> EnhancedDynamicForm was altered to no longer use that type and a new
> custom RHQ form item component has been introduced - EditableFormItem,
> with a subclass CheckboxEditableFormItem (the former allows you to edit
> via a text field, the latter allows you to edit a boolean value via a
> checkbox. EditableFormItem is extensible in case we want to add other
> editable fields like radio buttons, text areas, drop down menus, etc.).
> In our views that use this today, they are still in
> EnhancedDynamicForms, but this new implementation no longer requires you
> to use that custom enhanced dynamic form type - all you need is some
> DynamicForm and you add an instance of EditableFormItem to it.
> I checked viewing and editing users and roles (both as rhqadmin and a
> non-admin user), I checked editing individual resource
> name/description/location, and I checked editing group
> name/description/recursive-flag settings - all work well.
> Let me know if you see any problems.
> Note that I have two outstanding issues that I document in the BZ - one
> is that the size of the field isn't as wide as it could be and two, I
> don't know what to do in the case of a blur. Here's the comments from
> the  BZ:
> 1) nothing happens if you lose focus from the edit field. What do we
> want it to do? Cancel or Save? Right now, it does nothing - you have to
> hit "enter", or click the ok or cancel icons to get it to do something.
> 2) the width of the field isn't entirely correct. It looks like the
> width of the item isn't as wide as the dynamic form column. Need to
> figure out the proper API calls to make so the item expands to fit the
> entire width of the form.
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