detailed code review for delete-agent-plugin branch

John Sanda jsanda at
Thu Dec 2 17:15:24 UTC 2010

On 12/2/10 11:41 AM, Joseph Marques wrote:
> commit 988bafd8d08916e30c93b4fa79d6e24a588a0401
> Author: John Sanda <jsanda at>
> Date: Tue Nov 9 16:33:44 2010 -0500
> Fixing tests that were failing due to database clean up running too soon
> MetadataManager previously defined @BeforeClass and @AfterClass 
> methods for
> setting up and tearing down each plugin meta data test class. The 
> database was
> reset in the @BeforeClass method. Turns out that while the first few test
> methods of say OperationMetadataManagerBeanTest run, then before the 
> rest of its
> test methods have executed the @BeforeClass method is executed for say
> ContentMetadataManagerBeanTest which wind up clearing out the same 
> test data
> that OperationMetadataManagerBeanTest was using. To remedy the 
> situation, I
> have made every configuration/test method in each 
> XXXMetadataManagerBeanTest
> part of the plugin.metadata group. Then I changed the @BeforeClass and
> @AfterClass methods into @BeforeGroup and @AfterGroup methods 
> respectively,
> esnuring that they only run once for the entire group.
> * so by virtue of using the strategy of completely wiping out the db, 
> does this prevent
>   us from leverage testng to run our tests in parallel now?  how much 
> slower does the
>   test suite execute in this branch versus master?
Initially I was not using dbunit or anything else to reset tables that 
are effected during a test run. I was using the pattern used in other 
tests which is to rollback the commit and the end of the test run; 
however, I needed to commit transactions in order to verify the state of 
things. We have this in other tests as well in other parts of the code 
base and the catch is, you might get unexpected results if you run those 
multiple times without restoring the database. So after a test run and 
prior to the next one I was restoring the database by running dbsetup. 
And by test run, I don't mean hudson. I am talking about running test as 
I was writing the code which would be rather frequent. Having to run 
dbsetup as I was doing was flat out painful and really slowing me down. 
Not only was it slow, there were plenty of times that I simply forgot to 
run dbsetup, and tests would subsequently fail as a result.

While I do clear out a substantial number of tables, I do not completely 
wipe out the database. I was not aware that we are running tests in 
parallel; however, tests in the delete-agent-plugin branch are running 
in the same way as they are in master. TestNG is pretty flexible in how 
it allows you to specify what you want run in parallel. You can specify 
entire suites be run in parallel, as well as methods and classes. 
Granted if we start running tests in parallel, some of the set up logic 
I put in place for these tests might have to be revisited, but I think 
the same can be said for tests in other parts of the code base as well.

As for how overall execution time, I cannot say. I have not paid too 
close attention. I do know though that due to the reasons I described 
above running tests on my box while I am developing is faster and more 
efficient. I expect the overall execution time to be at least somewhat 
slower in the delete-agent-plugin branch than in master if for no other 
reason than the fact that I added a substantial number of tests in the 
branch. You can look at the coverage report numbers to get a better 
sense of this.
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