[python-bugzilla] Problem with my boolean query

Eric Sammons elsammons at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 20:02:33 UTC 2013


I'm trying to write a simple python program that would search for all bugs
with a specific set of flags.  Using the bugzilla cli the boolean query

bugzilla query --product='Red Hat Enterprise MRG'
--component='distribution, qpid-cpp, qpid-java, qpid-jca'
--boolean_query='flagtypes.name-substring-mrg-2.4.0 &

When I try to use the following, I receive a malformed boolean error.

bz_boolean = 'flagtypes.name-substring-mrg-2.4.0 &
bz = bugzilla.Bugzilla(url = bzurl)
query_in = bz.build_query(
                              product = "Red Hat Enterprise MRG",
                              component = MRGM,
                              boolean_query = bz_boolean)
query_out = bz.query(query_in)
for i in query_out:
    print i

RuntimeError: Malformed boolean query: flagtypes.name-substring-mrg-2.4.0 &

What am I doing wrong here or is it possible there is a bug in the library?
 Also, I see that there is a option to use 'flag' for boolean search;
however, there is no example of how to do this.  Is there possibly a way to
translate the the boolean query I'm attempting into a flag query?

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