[python-bugzilla] [PATCH] bugzilla: honor --cookiefile early so "login" follows it

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Mon Apr 22 14:35:01 UTC 2013

On 04/22/2013 10:22 AM, Don Zickus wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 04:03:53PM -0400, Cole Robinson wrote:
>> On 04/19/2013 11:01 AM, Don Zickus wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 08:43:40PM +0200, Jan Pokorný wrote:
>>>> So far, ~/.bugzillacookies was a cookie holder regardless of what
>>>> cookiefile was specified together with "login" command.
>>> This python seems to clever for some of us part-time python programmers.
>>> Could we simplify it a little bit with something like the attached patch?
>>> I assume all you want to be able to do is correctly choose a different
>>> cookiefile using --cookiefile, right?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Don
>> Agreed, the original patch was too magical. Everything below looks fine,
>> please push, or submit as a git formatted patch. Though before either, run
>> python setup.py pylint first since there's at least one small style violation
>> in there.
> Hmm, running 'python setup.py pylint' before and after my changes does not
> show any new violations.  Though, it does complain I don't have a 'config'
> file to pass it and uses the default and my pep8 (from RHEL-6.4) fails.
> :-(  due to no option --format.
> Just let me know what the style problem is and I'll fix it manually (or
> let me know how to configure my pylint to automatically show it).

Actually the style problem would have been reported by pep8 :) It's a missing
space between comma and the following value, in the 'bzclass' line.

We could probably add --format conditionally with an os.system("pep 8 --help
2>&1 | grep -q '\-\-format'") check in setup.py

- Cole

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