[Pam-developers] [linux-pam] #10: The maxlogins limit doesn't work

linux-pam trac at fedorahosted.org
Fri Jun 22 12:30:46 UTC 2012

#10: The maxlogins limit doesn't work
  Reporter:  wmknapik  |      Owner:  pam-developers@…
      Type:  defect    |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major     |  Component:  library
   Version:  1.1.x     |   Keywords:  maxlogins
Blocked By:            |   Blocking:
 # We limit the max number of logins for user "user" to 1 on machine1.
 # The machine has since been rebooted.
 machine1 $ grep '^user.*maxlogins' /etc/security/limits.conf
 user               soft    maxlogins        1
 user               hard    maxlogins        1
 machine1 $

 # On machine2 we have a simple test written as a makefile.
 machine2 $ cat test.mk
 tests := test1 test2

 all: $(tests)
         ssh -f -q -t -t -i key -p 22210 -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no'
 user at machine1 "sleep 1d; echo $@"
 machine2 $

 # We run the makefile in parallel (-j set in the makefile).
 machine2 $ make -f test.mk
 machine2 $

 # Two processes managed to log in to machine1 despite the limit.
 machine2 $ pgrep -lf 'ssh.*test[12]$'
 28871 ssh -f -q -t -t -i key -p 22210 -o StrictHostKeyChecking no
 user at machine1 sleep 1d; echo test2
 28872 ssh -f -q -t -t -i key -p 22210 -o StrictHostKeyChecking no
 user at machine1 sleep 1d; echo test1
 machine2 $

 # Let's log into machine1 as root and see if there are actually two
 # sessions open for user "user".
 machine2 $ ssh -i key -p 22210 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" root at machine1
 machine1 $ w
 USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
 k3       pts/0    13:14    3:34   0.00s  0.00s bash -c
 sleep 1d; echo test1
 k3       pts/1    13:14    3:34   0.00s  0.00s bash -c
 sleep 1d; echo test2
 root     pts/2    13:17    0.00s  0.03s  0.00s w
 machine1 $

 # This test works as described above in at least one in 5 tries.
 # Sometimes the limits do work and the second ssh process is not let in.

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/linux-pam/ticket/10>
linux-pam <http://fedorahosted.org/linux-pam>
The Linux-PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) project

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