Class property: array of references

Jan Safranek jsafrane at
Fri Mar 28 14:54:21 UTC 2014

On 03/28/2014 01:43 PM, Pavel Březina wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to create a class that has array of references as a
> property. However, konkretcmpi will not parse it. What is the correct
> way please?

Looking at the mof file, I must say things work little differently in CIM.

There is usually a singleton, representing a 'feature' like SSSD. It's
usually called <something>Service, for SSSD I can propose:

class SSSD_Service : CIM_Service
<any global methods, if needed>

[or you can keep LMI_SSSD_ prefix, it just distinguishes who is the
owner of the API - SSSD project or LMI project]

Don't be scared by number of properties in CIM_Service, the class (and
its singleton instance) should just provide high-level status if SSSD
is  enabled or not and if it is fine or something is broken. You don't
need to implement all the properties and methods.

[Also, CIM_Service is not necessarily related to any systemd
service/daemon/whatever, it's just where the SSSD CIM API starts]

To this SSSDService object you then associate other objects, which
describe SSSD configuration and state in detail. In CIM, we don't use
GetServices() and GetBackends() methods, we use association classes like:

class LMI_SSSDRunningProcess
	LMI_SSSDProcess REF Process;

class LMI_SSSDAvailableDomain
	LMI_SSSDDomain REF Domain;

CIM is designed to traverse such associations, so one can ask 'what
SSSDProcesses are associated to this SSSDService' and get list of all of
them. Or 'what SSSDBackends are associated to a SSSDService' and get
just the backends.

[In theory, one might also ask 'to what SSSDService this Backend
belongs, but it is not very useful as there is just one SSSDService]

Since Backends, Monitors and Services are subclasses of SSSDProcess,
just one SSSDRunningProcess association is enough to cover all of them.
Of course, you may create individual association classes for each
SSSDProcess subclass, if you find it useful in your design.

I hope I did not scare you too much, CIM is quite complicated, don't be
afraid to ask. We're also on #openlmi at Freenode.


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