question about openlmi

Russell Doty rdoty at
Wed Feb 12 17:57:47 UTC 2014

It looks like WWJL (Writing While Jet Lagged) can be dangerous. My last
email contained some inaccurate information on what components are
supported as part of the upstream project. 

I need to be more clear on some components:

The OpenLMI Upstream Project (based at is focused on
LMI Providers built on a standard infrastructure. is the
place to go for developing Providers. This mailing list is for the
upstream OpenLMI project (but may discuss other things).

Other upstream projects provide complementary components. For example,
OpenPegasus comes from the OpenPegasus project from The Open Group.
Language bindings come from a variety of places, such as the SBLIM

Depending on what you are trying to do, you may need components from
several projects, and potentially go to these projects for support.

If a company like Red Hat should choose to ship OpenLMI technology, they
may choose to provide support the complementary technologies; this is
outside the OpenLMI upstream project.

I will be more careful how I use the term "supported" in the future when
talking about the upstream OpenLMI project.

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