Patch review for OpenLMI

Jan Safranek jsafrane at
Tue Mar 12 08:11:03 UTC 2013

On 03/11/2013 07:47 PM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> I'm inclined to suggest that we take the following approach:
> Patches are sent to the openlmi-devel list as attachments.
> If another developer reviews it and replies with "Ack", it can be
> pushed immediately.

I'd rather wait for the review tool to be online, it may have different
workflow than sending patches to -devel and IMHO we should avoid
changing the workflow just in few days.

>> @sgallahg, you mentioned some review tool, what was it and 
>> where/when/how can we use it?
> The review tool I was talking about was Review Board[1], and I'm
> working on getting an instance of it hosted. I was planning to launch
> it in an OpenShift instance today, but I'm having some issues with
> their hosting (it looks like all of the static data like the CSS isn't
> properly reachable, so it looks terrible).
> I will sort this out and provide an update as soon as possible.

I am not sure I get it right, it seems the patches must be manually
uploaded using their post-review cmdline tool (ok) and when the patches
are accepted, they must be manually checked in the upstream git. I.e. I
still need to merge my topic branch with master and push it?

I know lot of projects use Gerrit, I have no personal experience with
it, but it seems more git-friendly. Still, does anyone have actual
experience with Review Board or Gerrit?


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