RFC: Blivet & mounting

Klaus Kaempf kkaempf at suse.de
Fri Feb 1 10:04:36 UTC 2013

* Jan Safranek <jsafrane at redhat.com> [Jan 31. 2013 15:57]:
> What OpenLMI needs:
> - parse /proc/mounts and provide list of mounts with their options
> - parse /etc/fstab and provide list of persistent mounts with their
> options (which can be different to /proc/mounts, someone might re-mount
> something with different options!)
> - re-mount a mount with different options
> - create new mount, both permanent (with fstab entry) and 'temporary'
> - unmount anything (incl. removing entry from fstab).


I'd like to point you to libstorage (https://github.com/openSUSE/libstorage)
as a generic library for storage management. It's written in C++,
rather complete, and also provides Ruby and Python bindings. One of
the downsides is its use of Blocxx, which probably can be fixed if

See also http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Libstorage for a more general

SUSEs smis-providers (at https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=smis-providers&project=systemsmanagement%3Awbem)
also use libstorage and can serve as a guideline.


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