Creating a test provider

Pavel Březina pbrezina at
Tue Dec 3 15:47:52 UTC 2013

I have chosen an OpenLMI topic for my diploma thesis [1]. The goal of 
this thesis is to create an OpenLMI provider that would bring remote 
control over SSSD [2].

So far I have started by creating a simple provider, that provides one 
class called LMI_Test, with string field called Value. I'd like to 
provide getter and setter for Value, but I can't find a way how to 
change internal state of LMI_Test via a method call. Is it even 
possible/recommended? Or are methods supposed to manipulate with the 
object just in read-only manner? Can you give me some guidance please?

You can find the provider in my repository (branch wip):

Thank you.

Pavel Březina.


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