source for "Provider HowTo"

John Dennis jdennis at
Fri Apr 12 13:44:41 UTC 2013

Here is the source for the "OpenLMI CIM Provider HOWTO" which we 
discussed last week. It should be imported into the openlmi-providers 
git repo. That way the team can edit it and format it for publication 
(i.e. on the web, mediawiki, html, etc.).

I folded in the comments/corrections/suggestions I received with one 
exception, I did not included an appendix of all the links in the 
document explicitly showing the link targets. I tried that and it didn't 
seem practical for a variety of reasons, we can revisit that if folks 
feel it's important.

The document is written in markdown with pandoc extensions which is a 
universal format. pandoc can format it in just about every imaginable 
format you can think of, html, mediawiki, pdf being the most likely. The 
fact it's written in markdown also means we're restricted on fancy 
formatting options which can be used and still retain the ability to 
generate different formats.

The pandoc website is:

You'll find instructions on how to format from markdown to different 
formats there as well as doc on the markdown syntax.

Generating the pdf I sent out was as simple as:

% pandoc --toc -o cim-provider-howto.pdf

The --toc options adds a table of contents.

John Dennis <jdennis at>

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