[netcf-devel] Adding netcf support to FreeBSD

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Mon Feb 6 19:30:41 UTC 2012

On Mon, Feb 06, 2012 at 10:47:09AM -0800, hiren panchasara wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I am trying to make netcf work with FreeBSD.
> I am looking for more documentation on xml part of it. (I think augeas is
> used for xml/xslt?)
> I can "list" the interfaces but "dumpxml" does not work as I need to
> prepare xml/xsl scaffolding.
> Any pointers would be appreciated.

The existing drivers are obviously worth a look, but aside from that
the general architecture is as follows

 - Mostly a 3 step transformation

     1.  NETCF XML ->  Augeas tree XML

     2.  Augeas tree XML -> Augeas object

     3. Augest object -> platform config files

 - src/drv_{platform}.c  the implementation for $platform.

   The two most important APIs to be implemented here are:

      drv_define - accepts netcf XML and writes out the platform specific

      drv_xml_desc - reads platform specific config & outputs netcf XML

   With the Debian/RedHat/Suse drivers,  these two methods use an XSL
   transform for doing the hard work in step 1 of the transformation.

      data/debian-get.xsl  - Converts NetCF XML into Augeas tree XML
                             used by drv_define

      data/debian-put.xsl  - Converts Augeas tree XML to NetCF XML
                             used by drv_xml_desc

    Step 2 is done by code in src/drv_debian.c aug_get_xml and

    Step 3 is done by the Augeas lens.

 The tests/interface directory contains many NetCF XML documents
 for varying configs.

 The tests/debian/schema directory contains corresponding Augeas
 XML tree documents.

NB, the debian & Red Hat drivers actually use a slightly different
XML structure for the Augeas XML tree, but the concept is the same.

So for FreeBSD, you would need to

  - Make sure Augeas has lens definitions which can parse and write
    the FreeBSD config files for networking - this is code that
    lives in Augeas

  - Create a drv_freebsd.c driver for netcf - best to just copy
    the code from either the Red Hat, Debian or Suse driver,
    depending on which distro has config files that work most
    like FreeBSD (Debian uses a single big file, while Red Hat
    uses one file per interface)

  - Write data/freebsd-{get,put}.xsl transforms for going between
    the NetCF & Augeas XML formats.

  - Create test data files in tests/freebsd/schema and then hack
    your driver until the tests pass.

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