[netcf-devel] [PATCH 0/3] Eliminate errors and config-based ips from ncf_if_xml_state

Laine Stump laine at laine.org
Wed Sep 30 18:47:06 UTC 2009

On 09/30/2009 02:15 PM, David Lutterkort wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 14:39 -0400, Laine Stump wrote:
>> The originalpatch for ncf_if_xml_state would search for the first ip
>> node within the ipv4 protocol node, and replace it with the results of
>> SIOCGIFADDR (or sometimes just add a new one on.)
>> Now we remove all ip addresses sourced from the config, even if we
>> can't get any replacements from the device.
> The big question (as I mentioned in the other mail) is: what does
> ncf_if_xml_state report ? Only live information or a combination of live
> + configured info ? I could be persuaded either way - it mostly depends
> on how people will use the results of ncf_if_xml_state: is ist mostly
> for information/reporting, or should it be convenient to use the result
> of ncf_if_xml_state and pass it to ncf_define ?

I must confess that I went with the former (live info only) at least 
partly because it was easiest to make that work with libvirt in the 
short term (libvirt parses the xml, and currently throws away all but 
the first ip node; that will need to be changed anyway, of course).

 From a complete vaccum of use cases, I'm assuming that ncf_if_xml_state 
will be used mostly for information/reporting; I may be completely 
wrong, though. At any rate, I still don't have a strong enough opinion 
to try and convince you to cross over though. Hopefully someone with a 
strong opinion (and a good reason for it) can step in.

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