[netcf-devel] ncftool 'Failed to initialize netcf' missing a dep?

Dale Bewley dlbewley at lib.ucdavis.edu
Tue Dec 1 21:49:18 UTC 2009

Out of the box F12 64bit fairly slim install with 497 packages, NetworkManager is not running. It's been chkconfig'd off in the kickstart %post.

There is an eth0 and an eth1 interface. Eth1 is inactive and eth0 is configured by anaconda to use dhcp. Netcf 0.1.4 fails run:

[root at localhost bin]# ncftool
Failed to initialize netcf
error: unspecified error
error: errors in loading some config files

Virsh refuses to use netcf-libs as well:

[root at localhost bin]# virsh iface-define /tmp/br0.xml 
error: Failed to define interface from /tmp/br0.xml
error: this function is not supported by the hypervisor: virInterfaceDefineXML

However, if I manually create a bridge like this:

[root at localhost network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-br0
[root at localhost network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth0

[root at localhost network-scripts]# service network restart

Then netcf does run, and libvirt is happy to use it.
[root at localhost network-scripts]# virsh iface-list --all
Name                 State      MAC Address
br0                  active     00:22:19:65:f9:c9
lo                   active     00:00:00:00:00:00
eth1                 inactive   00:22:19:65:f9:cb

If I service network stop, netcf is still happy to run. I'm not sure what dependency is changing to make netcf functional.

My goal was to put something like this in my kickstart:

virsh net-destroy default
virsh net-undefine default
cat <<EOF > /tmp/br0.xml
<interface type='bridge' name='br0'>
  <start mode='onboot'/>
  <protocol family='ipv4'>
      <dhcp />
    <interface type='ethernet' name='eth0'>
virsh iface-define /tmp/br0.xml

BTW, (when netcf will intialize) this does work, but it still does produce an error and virsh iface-list --all doesn't look as would be expected until after a service network restart.

[root at localhost network-scripts]# virsh iface-define /tmp/br0.xml
error: Failed to define interface from /tmp/br0.xml
error: invalid argument in virGetInterface

Dale Bewley - Unix Administrator - Shields Library - UC Davis
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