[lvm2-commits] master - cleanup: sort args alphabetically

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at fedoraproject.org
Fri Oct 24 14:42:16 UTC 2014

Gitweb:        http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=lvm2.git;a=commitdiff;h=9e85dbbfd0d965215a9fce55c29cfb967d0d6103
Commit:        9e85dbbfd0d965215a9fce55c29cfb967d0d6103
Parent:        cf674142a2c1504d5652a5dd5479041272fd34ec
Author:        Zdenek Kabelac <zkabelac at redhat.com>
AuthorDate:    Sun Oct 19 13:00:48 2014 +0200
Committer:     Zdenek Kabelac <zkabelac at redhat.com>
CommitterDate: Fri Oct 24 16:39:31 2014 +0200

cleanup: sort args alphabetically

Give it some order for easier human lookup for options we do support.
 tools/args.h |  179 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/args.h b/tools/args.h
index 531148c..492eb28 100644
--- a/tools/args.h
+++ b/tools/args.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Sistina Software, Inc. All rights reserved.  
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Sistina Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
  * This file is part of LVM2.
@@ -17,109 +17,108 @@
  * Put all long args that don't have a corresponding short option first.
 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
-arg(version_ARG, '\0', "version", NULL, 0)
-arg(physicalvolumesize_ARG, '\0', "setphysicalvolumesize", size_mb_arg, 0)
-arg(ignorelockingfailure_ARG, '\0', "ignorelockingfailure", NULL, 0)
-arg(nolocking_ARG, '\0', "nolocking", NULL, 0)
-arg(pvmetadatacopies_ARG, '\0', "pvmetadatacopies", int_arg, 0)
-arg(vgmetadatacopies_ARG, '\0', "vgmetadatacopies", metadatacopies_arg, 0)
-arg(metadatacopies_ARG, '\0', "metadatacopies", metadatacopies_arg, 0)
-arg(metadatasize_ARG, '\0', "metadatasize", size_mb_arg, 0)
-arg(metadataignore_ARG, '\0', "metadataignore", yes_no_arg, 0)
-arg(bootloaderareasize_ARG, '\0', "bootloaderareasize", size_mb_arg, 0)
-arg(norestorefile_ARG, '\0', "norestorefile", NULL, 0)
-arg(restorefile_ARG, '\0', "restorefile", string_arg, 0)
-arg(labelsector_ARG, '\0', "labelsector", int_arg, 0)
-arg(driverloaded_ARG, '\0', "driverloaded", yes_no_arg, 0)
-arg(aligned_ARG, '\0', "aligned", NULL, 0)
-arg(binary_ARG, '\0', "binary", NULL, 0)
-arg(unbuffered_ARG, '\0', "unbuffered", NULL, 0)
-arg(noheadings_ARG, '\0', "noheadings", NULL, 0)
-arg(segments_ARG, '\0', "segments", NULL, 0)
-arg(units_ARG, '\0', "units", string_arg, 0)
-arg(nosuffix_ARG, '\0', "nosuffix", NULL, 0)
-arg(removemissing_ARG, '\0', "removemissing", NULL, 0)
-arg(restoremissing_ARG, '\0', "restoremissing", NULL, 0)
 arg(abort_ARG, '\0', "abort", NULL, 0)
+arg(activationmode_ARG, '\0', "activationmode", string_arg, 0)
 arg(addtag_ARG, '\0', "addtag", tag_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
-arg(deltag_ARG, '\0', "deltag", tag_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
-arg(refresh_ARG, '\0', "refresh", NULL, 0)
-arg(mknodes_ARG, '\0', "mknodes", NULL, 0)
-arg(minor_ARG, '\0', "minor", int_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
-arg(type_ARG, '\0', "type", segtype_arg, 0)
+arg(aligned_ARG, '\0', "aligned", NULL, 0)
 arg(alloc_ARG, '\0', "alloc", alloc_arg, 0)
-arg(separator_ARG, '\0', "separator", string_arg, 0)
-arg(mirrorsonly_ARG, '\0', "mirrorsonly", NULL, 0)
-arg(nosync_ARG, '\0', "nosync", NULL, 0)
-arg(resync_ARG, '\0', "resync", NULL, 0)
-arg(corelog_ARG, '\0', "corelog", NULL, 0)
-arg(mirrorlog_ARG, '\0', "mirrorlog", string_arg, 0)
-arg(splitmirrors_ARG, '\0', "splitmirrors", int_arg, 0)
-arg(trackchanges_ARG, '\0', "trackchanges", NULL, 0)
-arg(replace_ARG, '\0', "replace", string_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
-arg(repair_ARG, '\0', "repair", NULL, 0)
-arg(use_policies_ARG, '\0', "use-policies", NULL, 0)
-arg(merge_ARG, '\0', "merge", NULL, 0)
-arg(monitor_ARG, '\0', "monitor", yes_no_arg, 0)
-arg(config_ARG, '\0', "config", string_arg, 0)
-arg(trustcache_ARG, '\0', "trustcache", NULL, 0)
+arg(atomic_ARG, '\0', "atomic", NULL, 0)
+arg(atversion_ARG, '\0', "atversion", string_arg, 0)
+arg(binary_ARG, '\0', "binary", NULL, 0)
+arg(bootloaderareasize_ARG, '\0', "bootloaderareasize", size_mb_arg, 0)
 arg(cache_long_ARG, '\0', "cache", NULL, 0)
 arg(cachemode_ARG, '\0', "cachemode", string_arg, 0)
 arg(cachepool_ARG, '\0', "cachepool", string_arg, 0)
-arg(ignoremonitoring_ARG, '\0', "ignoremonitoring", NULL, 0)
-arg(nameprefixes_ARG, '\0', "nameprefixes", NULL, 0)
-arg(unquoted_ARG, '\0', "unquoted", NULL, 0)
-arg(rows_ARG, '\0', "rows", NULL, 0)
+arg(commandprofile_ARG, '\0', "commandprofile", string_arg, 0)
+arg(config_ARG, '\0', "config", string_arg, 0)
+arg(configtype_ARG, '\0', "type", string_arg, 0)
+arg(corelog_ARG, '\0', "corelog", NULL, 0)
 arg(dataalignment_ARG, '\0', "dataalignment", size_kb_arg, 0)
 arg(dataalignmentoffset_ARG, '\0', "dataalignmentoffset", size_kb_arg, 0)
-arg(virtualoriginsize_ARG, '\0', "virtualoriginsize", size_mb_arg, 0)
+arg(deltag_ARG, '\0', "deltag", tag_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
+arg(detachprofile_ARG, '\0', "detachprofile", NULL, 0)
+arg(discards_ARG, '\0', "discards", discards_arg, 0)
+arg(driverloaded_ARG, '\0', "driverloaded", yes_no_arg, 0)
+arg(force_long_ARG, '\0', "force", NULL, ARG_COUNTABLE)
+arg(ignoreadvanced_ARG, '\0', "ignoreadvanced", NULL, 0)
+arg(ignorelockingfailure_ARG, '\0', "ignorelockingfailure", NULL, 0)
+arg(ignoremonitoring_ARG, '\0', "ignoremonitoring", NULL, 0)
+arg(ignoreskippedcluster_ARG, '\0', "ignoreskippedcluster", NULL, 0)
+arg(ignoreunsupported_ARG, '\0', "ignoreunsupported", NULL, 0)
+arg(labelsector_ARG, '\0', "labelsector", int_arg, 0)
+arg(maxrecoveryrate_ARG, '\0', "maxrecoveryrate", size_kb_arg, 0)
+arg(merge_ARG, '\0', "merge", NULL, 0)
+arg(mergedconfig_ARG, '\0', "mergedconfig", NULL, 0)
+arg(metadatacopies_ARG, '\0', "metadatacopies", metadatacopies_arg, 0)
+arg(metadataignore_ARG, '\0', "metadataignore", yes_no_arg, 0)
+arg(metadataprofile_ARG, '\0', "metadataprofile", string_arg, 0)
+arg(metadatasize_ARG, '\0', "metadatasize", size_mb_arg, 0)
+arg(minor_ARG, '\0', "minor", int_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
+arg(minrecoveryrate_ARG, '\0', "minrecoveryrate", size_kb_arg, 0)
+arg(mirrorlog_ARG, '\0', "mirrorlog", string_arg, 0)
+arg(mirrorsonly_ARG, '\0', "mirrorsonly", NULL, 0)
+arg(mknodes_ARG, '\0', "mknodes", NULL, 0)
+arg(monitor_ARG, '\0', "monitor", yes_no_arg, 0)
+arg(nameprefixes_ARG, '\0', "nameprefixes", NULL, 0)
+arg(noheadings_ARG, '\0', "noheadings", NULL, 0)
+arg(nolocking_ARG, '\0', "nolocking", NULL, 0)
+arg(norestorefile_ARG, '\0', "norestorefile", NULL, 0)
+arg(nosuffix_ARG, '\0', "nosuffix", NULL, 0)
+arg(nosync_ARG, '\0', "nosync", NULL, 0)
 arg(noudevsync_ARG, '\0', "noudevsync", NULL, 0)
 arg(originname_ARG, '\0', "originname", string_arg, 0)
+arg(physicalvolumesize_ARG, '\0', "setphysicalvolumesize", size_mb_arg, 0)
 arg(poll_ARG, '\0', "poll", yes_no_arg, 0)
 arg(poolmetadata_ARG, '\0', "poolmetadata", string_arg, 0)
 arg(poolmetadatasize_ARG, '\0', "poolmetadatasize", size_mb_arg, 0)
 arg(poolmetadataspare_ARG, '\0', "poolmetadataspare", yes_no_arg, 0)
-arg(discards_ARG, '\0', "discards", discards_arg, 0)
-arg(force_long_ARG, '\0', "force", NULL, ARG_COUNTABLE)
+arg(profile_ARG, '\0', "profile", string_arg, 0)
+arg(pvmetadatacopies_ARG, '\0', "pvmetadatacopies", int_arg, 0)
+arg(raidmaxrecoveryrate_ARG, '\0', "raidmaxrecoveryrate", size_kb_arg, 0)
+arg(raidminrecoveryrate_ARG, '\0', "raidminrecoveryrate", size_kb_arg, 0)
+arg(raidsyncaction_ARG, '\0', "raidsyncaction", string_arg, 0)
+arg(raidwritebehind_ARG, '\0', "raidwritebehind", int_arg, 0)
+arg(raidwritemostly_ARG, '\0', "raidwritemostly", string_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
+arg(readonly_ARG, '\0', "readonly", NULL, 0)
+arg(refresh_ARG, '\0', "refresh", NULL, 0)
+arg(removemissing_ARG, '\0', "removemissing", NULL, 0)
+arg(repair_ARG, '\0', "repair", NULL, 0)
+arg(replace_ARG, '\0', "replace", string_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
+arg(restorefile_ARG, '\0', "restorefile", string_arg, 0)
+arg(restoremissing_ARG, '\0', "restoremissing", NULL, 0)
+arg(resync_ARG, '\0', "resync", NULL, 0)
+arg(rows_ARG, '\0', "rows", NULL, 0)
+arg(segments_ARG, '\0', "segments", NULL, 0)
+arg(separator_ARG, '\0', "separator", string_arg, 0)
+arg(split_ARG, '\0', "split", NULL, 0)
+arg(splitcache_ARG, '\0', "splitcache", NULL, 0)
+arg(splitmirrors_ARG, '\0', "splitmirrors", int_arg, 0)
+arg(splitsnapshot_ARG, '\0', "splitsnapshot", NULL, 0)
 arg(stripes_long_ARG, '\0', "stripes", int_arg, 0)
+arg(syncaction_ARG, '\0', "syncaction", string_arg, 0)	/* FIXME Use custom validation fn */
 arg(sysinit_ARG, '\0', "sysinit", NULL, 0)
 arg(thinpool_ARG, '\0', "thinpool", string_arg, 0)
-arg(configtype_ARG, '\0', "type", string_arg, 0)
+arg(trackchanges_ARG, '\0', "trackchanges", NULL, 0)
+arg(trustcache_ARG, '\0', "trustcache", NULL, 0)
+arg(type_ARG, '\0', "type", segtype_arg, 0)
+arg(unbuffered_ARG, '\0', "unbuffered", NULL, 0)
+arg(uncache_ARG, '\0', "uncache", NULL, 0)
+arg(units_ARG, '\0', "units", string_arg, 0)
+arg(unquoted_ARG, '\0', "unquoted", NULL, 0)
+arg(use_policies_ARG, '\0', "use-policies", NULL, 0)
+arg(validate_ARG, '\0', "validate", NULL, 0)
+arg(version_ARG, '\0', "version", NULL, 0)
+arg(vgmetadatacopies_ARG, '\0', "vgmetadatacopies", metadatacopies_arg, 0)
+arg(virtualoriginsize_ARG, '\0', "virtualoriginsize", size_mb_arg, 0)
 arg(withcomments_ARG, '\0', "withcomments", NULL, 0)
 arg(withversions_ARG, '\0', "withversions", NULL, 0)
-arg(ignoreadvanced_ARG, '\0', "ignoreadvanced", NULL, 0)
-arg(ignoreunsupported_ARG, '\0', "ignoreunsupported", NULL, 0)
-arg(atversion_ARG, '\0', "atversion", string_arg, 0)
-arg(validate_ARG, '\0', "validate", NULL, 0)
-arg(syncaction_ARG, '\0', "syncaction", string_arg, 0)	/* FIXME Use custom validation fn */
-arg(raidsyncaction_ARG, '\0', "raidsyncaction", string_arg, 0)
-arg(writemostly_ARG, '\0', "writemostly", string_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
-arg(raidwritemostly_ARG, '\0', "raidwritemostly", string_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
 arg(writebehind_ARG, '\0', "writebehind", int_arg, 0)
-arg(raidwritebehind_ARG, '\0', "raidwritebehind", int_arg, 0)
-arg(minrecoveryrate_ARG, '\0', "minrecoveryrate", size_kb_arg, 0)
-arg(raidminrecoveryrate_ARG, '\0', "raidminrecoveryrate", size_kb_arg, 0)
-arg(maxrecoveryrate_ARG, '\0', "maxrecoveryrate", size_kb_arg, 0)
-arg(raidmaxrecoveryrate_ARG, '\0', "raidmaxrecoveryrate", size_kb_arg, 0)
-arg(commandprofile_ARG, '\0', "commandprofile", string_arg, 0)
-arg(metadataprofile_ARG, '\0', "metadataprofile", string_arg, 0)
-arg(profile_ARG, '\0', "profile", string_arg, 0)
-arg(detachprofile_ARG, '\0', "detachprofile", NULL, 0)
-arg(mergedconfig_ARG, '\0', "mergedconfig", NULL, 0)
-arg(ignoreskippedcluster_ARG, '\0', "ignoreskippedcluster", NULL, 0)
-arg(splitsnapshot_ARG, '\0', "splitsnapshot", NULL, 0)
-arg(splitcache_ARG, '\0', "splitcache", NULL, 0)
-arg(uncache_ARG, '\0', "uncache", NULL, 0)
-arg(split_ARG, '\0', "split", NULL, 0)
-arg(readonly_ARG, '\0', "readonly", NULL, 0)
-arg(atomic_ARG, '\0', "atomic", NULL, 0)
-arg(activationmode_ARG, '\0', "activationmode", string_arg, 0)
+arg(writemostly_ARG, '\0', "writemostly", string_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
 /* Allow some variations */
-arg(resizable_ARG, '\0', "resizable", yes_no_arg, 0)
 arg(allocation_ARG, '\0', "allocation", yes_no_arg, 0)
 arg(available_ARG, '\0', "available", activation_arg, 0)
+arg(resizable_ARG, '\0', "resizable", yes_no_arg, 0)
  * ... and now the short args.
@@ -145,32 +144,32 @@ arg(full_ARG, 'f', "full", NULL, 0)
 arg(help_ARG, 'h', "help", NULL, 0)
 arg(cache_ARG, 'H', "cache", NULL, 0)
 arg(help2_ARG, '?', "", NULL, 0)
-arg(stripesize_ARG, 'I', "stripesize", size_kb_arg, 0)
-arg(stripes_ARG, 'i', "stripes", int_arg, 0)
 arg(interval_ARG, 'i', "interval", int_arg, 0)
 arg(iop_version_ARG, 'i', "iop_version", NULL, 0)
+arg(stripes_ARG, 'i', "stripes", int_arg, 0)
+arg(stripesize_ARG, 'I', "stripesize", size_kb_arg, 0)
 arg(logicalvolume_ARG, 'l', "logicalvolume", int_arg, 0)
 arg(maxlogicalvolumes_ARG, 'l', "maxlogicalvolumes", int_arg, 0)
 arg(extents_ARG, 'l', "extents", int_arg_with_sign_and_percent, 0)
-arg(lvmpartition_ARG, 'l', "lvmpartition", NULL, 0)
 arg(list_ARG, 'l', "list", NULL, 0)
-arg(size_ARG, 'L', "size", size_mb_arg, 0)
+arg(lvmpartition_ARG, 'l', "lvmpartition", NULL, 0)
 arg(logicalextent_ARG, 'L', "logicalextent", int_arg_with_sign, 0)
+arg(size_ARG, 'L', "size", size_mb_arg, 0)
 arg(persistent_ARG, 'M', "persistent", yes_no_arg, 0)
 arg(major_ARG, 'j', "major", int_arg, ARG_GROUPABLE)
 arg(setactivationskip_ARG, 'k', "setactivationskip", yes_no_arg, 0)
 arg(ignoreactivationskip_ARG, 'K', "ignoreactivationskip", NULL, 0)
+arg(maps_ARG, 'm', "maps", NULL, 0)
 arg(mirrors_ARG, 'm', "mirrors", int_arg_with_sign, 0)
 arg(metadatatype_ARG, 'M', "metadatatype", metadatatype_arg, 0)
-arg(maps_ARG, 'm', "maps", NULL, 0)
 arg(name_ARG, 'n', "name", string_arg, 0)
-arg(oldpath_ARG, 'n', "oldpath", NULL, 0)
 arg(nofsck_ARG, 'n', "nofsck", NULL, 0)
 arg(novolumegroup_ARG, 'n', "novolumegroup", NULL, 0)
+arg(oldpath_ARG, 'n', "oldpath", NULL, 0)
 arg(options_ARG, 'o', "options", string_arg, 0)
 arg(sort_ARG, 'O', "sort", string_arg, 0)
-arg(permission_ARG, 'p', "permission", permission_arg, 0)
 arg(maxphysicalvolumes_ARG, 'p', "maxphysicalvolumes", int_arg, 0)
+arg(permission_ARG, 'p', "permission", permission_arg, 0)
 arg(partial_ARG, 'P', "partial", NULL, 0)
 arg(physicalvolume_ARG, 'P', "physicalvolume", NULL, 0)
 arg(quiet_ARG, 'q', "quiet", NULL, ARG_COUNTABLE)
@@ -179,12 +178,12 @@ arg(resizefs_ARG, 'r', "resizefs", NULL, 0)
 arg(reset_ARG, 'R', "reset", NULL, 0)
 arg(regionsize_ARG, 'R', "regionsize", size_mb_arg, 0)
 arg(physicalextentsize_ARG, 's', "physicalextentsize", size_mb_arg, 0)
-arg(stdin_ARG, 's', "stdin", NULL, 0)
 arg(snapshot_ARG, 's', "snapshot", NULL, 0)
 arg(short_ARG, 's', "short", NULL, 0)
+arg(stdin_ARG, 's', "stdin", NULL, 0)
 arg(select_ARG, 'S', "select", string_arg, 0)
-arg(thin_ARG, 'T', "thin", NULL, 0)
 arg(test_ARG, 't', "test", NULL, 0)
+arg(thin_ARG, 'T', "thin", NULL, 0)
 arg(uuid_ARG, 'u', "uuid", NULL, 0)
 arg(uuidstr_ARG, 'u', "uuid", string_arg, 0)
 arg(uuidlist_ARG, 'U', "uuidlist", NULL, 0)

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