[lnst] SlavePool: Support matching virtualized schemes

Jiří Pírko jirka at fedoraproject.org
Fri May 3 09:24:05 UTC 2013

commit 71ba5cb7eb608c42c5d4ae0ac80c98ca30bed780
Author: Radek Pazdera <rpazdera at redhat.com>
Date:   Fri Apr 26 10:11:13 2013 +0200

    SlavePool: Support matching virtualized schemes
    This commit adds native support for virtual machines with the
    matching algorithm. Up to now, virtual machines could be only used
    as if they were physical.
    Now if the matching for physical machines fails, the controller
    will try to find suitable set of virtual machines using which it could
    create the required network.
    Signed-off-by: Radek Pazdera <rpazdera at redhat.com>

 lnst/Controller/SlavePool.py |   70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lnst/Controller/SlavePool.py b/lnst/Controller/SlavePool.py
index dc13f23..d602027 100644
--- a/lnst/Controller/SlavePool.py
+++ b/lnst/Controller/SlavePool.py
@@ -106,8 +106,12 @@ class SlavePool:
             return None
         machines = {}
-        for m_id in self._map["machines"]:
-            machines[m_id] = self._get_mapped_slave(m_id)
+        if self._map["virtual"]:
+            for m_id in self._map["machines"]:
+                machines[m_id] = self._prepare_virtual_slave(m_id, mreqs[m_id])
+        else:
+            for m_id in self._map["machines"]:
+                machines[m_id] = self._get_mapped_slave(m_id)
         return machines
@@ -167,6 +171,30 @@ class SlavePool:
         return machine
+    def _prepare_virtual_slave(self, tm_id, tm):
+        pm_id = self._get_machine_mapping(tm_id)
+        pm = self._pool[pm_id]
+        hostname = pm["params"]["hostname"]
+        libvirt_domain = pm["params"]["libvirt_domain"]
+        machine = Machine(tm_id, hostname, libvirt_domain)
+        # make all the existing unused
+        for if_id, if_data in pm["interfaces"].iteritems():
+            iface = machine.new_unused_interface("eth")
+            iface.set_hwaddr(if_data["hwaddr"])
+            iface.set_network(if_data["network"])
+        # add all the other devices
+        for if_id, if_data in tm["interfaces"].iteritems():
+            iface = machine.new_virtual_interface(if_id, "eth")
+            iface.set_network(if_data["network"])
+            if "hwaddr" in if_data["params"]:
+                iface.set_hwaddr(if_data["params"]["hwaddr"])
+        return machine
 class SetupMapper:
     This class can be used for matching machine setups against
@@ -503,7 +531,14 @@ class SetupMapper:
             machine_map = [(tm, pm, self._iface_map[tm]) \
                             for tm, pm in self._machine_map]
             network_map = list(self._network_map)
-            return self._format_map_dict(machine_map, network_map)
+            mmap = self._format_map_dict(machine_map, network_map)
+            mmap["virtual"] = False
+            return mmap
+        elif self._map_setup_virt(template_machines, pool_machines):
+            machine_map = [(tm, pm, []) for tm, pm in self._machine_map]
+            mmap = self._format_map_dict(machine_map, [])
+            mmap["virtual"] = True
+            return mmap
             return None
@@ -552,3 +587,32 @@ class SetupMapper:
             mmap.discard((machine, possible_match))
         return False
+    def _machine_matches(self, tm, pm):
+        for prop_name, prop_value in tm["params"].iteritems():
+            if pm["params"][prop_name] != prop_value:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def _map_setup_virt(self, template_machines, pool_machines):
+        available = set()
+        matches = set()
+        for m_id in pool_machines.iterkeys():
+            available.add(m_id)
+        for tm_id, tm in template_machines.iteritems():
+            match = None
+            for am_id in available:
+                if self._machine_matches(tm, pool_machines[am_id]):
+                    match = (tm_id, am_id)
+                    available.remove(am_id)
+                    break
+            if match:
+                matches.add(match)
+            else:
+                return False
+        self._machine_map = list(matches)
+        return True

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