Multi-sequence evaluation

Jan Tluka jtluka at
Tue Aug 14 15:11:56 UTC 2012

Hello everybody,

I'm thinking about changing current behavior in evaluating recipes with
more than one command sequence.

Currently if one of the command sequence fails the whole recipe is
aborted and the rest of the command sequences won't be executed.

Imagine you have the recipe split into several logical parts and you'd
like to see if any of them pass. Currently you have to rely on all of them 
to pass.

I propose to add 'dont_stop' or 'continue_on_fail' option to
command_sequence node. If it's set the following command sequence get's

    <command_sequence continue_on_fail="yes">
        <command simple_test>

        <command simple_test_gets_executed_independent_on_previous_fail>

        <command simple_test_gets_executed_if_previous_pass>

Feel free to share your ideas!


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