Max_size() for std::vector<char>

Francois Fayard fayard.francois at
Sat Feb 14 18:51:46 UTC 2015

Sent from my iPhone

> On 14 Feb 2015, at 19:36, Sam Varshavchik <mrsam at> wrote:
> Francois Fayard writes:
>> Hi,
>> I am puzzled by the result of std::vector<char>::max_size() on the n=32 and n=64 bits system I have tested. The result is 2^n - 1. Let me explain why I am puzzled.
>> Libc++ implementation of std::vector<T> has three members of type T*: begin_, end_, capacity_. 
>> begin_ points to the first value of the vector and end_ points to the one after the last. Therefore, the size of the vector is given by end_ - begin_. But the result of this difference is of type std::ptrdiff_t which is a signed integer of n bits on every implementation that I know of. 
>> Therefore, this type can not store 2^n - 1, but only up to 2^(n-1) - 1. So, how come they can max_size() pretend to store more than 2^(n - 1) elements without breaking .size() ?
> On x86_64, std::vector<char>::max_size() returns 0xffffffffffffffff, or 2^64-1.
> Presuming that it was actually possible to instantiate something like that, your begin() would return 0, your end() would be 2^64-1, and no rules appear to be broken. I have no idea what nullptr would evaluate in such a situation. Maybe nullptr would be 2^64-1, on such a platform.
> P.S. – something like that wouldn't actually be the right topic for this list, but that's fine.
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