Problems with gems trying to install katello

Lukas Zapletal lzap+pub at
Tue Sep 25 12:37:19 UTC 2012

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 12:03:06PM +0200, Nicolas Michel wrote:
> It is an evalution setup but for the evaluation to make sense I have to
> test the stable release, not the nightly build. Excepting if your advice is
> using the nightly build for production??

I apologize, this is our first release and our puppet installer has some
dependency issues, but you should be always able to fix them by
re-running it. Expect those to be fixed in the next release.

> OK but I found the problem: my server is behind a proxy. At the install
> time I configured it with env variables http_proxy and https_proxy. Of
> course the wget command setup in puppet was trying to use the proxy to
> request the localhost ... adding the --no-proxy flag to the wget command
> fixed the problem. After rebooting these proxy settings were lost and so
> there were no more errors in the katello-configure as said above.

Feel free to test the proxy setup and file bugs for us if there is
something blocking you.

> Thank you for helping me :) I'll now try the software ;)

I am glad you are running Katello now.

Please send us your feedback!



 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 #katello #systemengine

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