IWHD API Suggestions

Pete Zaitcev zaitcev at redhat.com
Tue Sep 13 16:05:14 UTC 2011

On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 17:08:43 +0100
Martyn Taylor <mtaylor at redhat.com> wrote:

> So, I do not think that any application code should be changed, but this 
> should be handled in an "API transform layer" for want of a better 
> word.  A RESTful interface deals with RESTful resources which have a 
> type.  So to offer any RESTful interface we need to assign type to 
> resources.  In the context of this REST API could we need to create 
> resources with types that represents objects in a particular bucket, 
> could we not assume that the type is based on the bucket name?  i.e. 
> objects in bucket a bucket named "image", are of type "image"?

I suppose this is a guarantee that the Factory provides. However, I do
not know really. I saw some odd bucket and key layouts when helping
people with diagnosing iwhd.

-- Pete

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