[patch iwhd] Add 2-legged OAuth v10

Pete Zaitcev zaitcev at redhat.com
Fri Oct 7 16:56:33 UTC 2011

On Fri, 07 Oct 2011 12:02:27 +0200
Jim Meyering <jim at meyering.net> wrote:

> That looks fine.  I notice that you made some additional changes,
> too, mostly removing "P3" debug code.

The most important is adding dummy realm= for Steve Loranz.
Without it, Factory's Python client crashes in python-libhttp2.

> I expect to push your big change-set followed by these three,
> and then to make the 0.99 release.

Thanks. I hoped to slip the error-parsing thing in, it is a 5-minute
job figurally speaking.

-- Pete

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