anything pending for iwhd-1.1?

Pete Zaitcev zaitcev at
Tue Nov 29 17:51:02 UTC 2011

On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:43:42 +0100
Jim Meyering <jim at> wrote:

> With end-of-sprint approaching, Steve Linabery asked about iwhd.
> I'm inclined to make a release, if only for your logging changes.
> Is there anything else you think is worth including?

There's nothing outstanding in my trees. Everything I've done is committed,
and I'm full time on OpenStack at present.

I looked at the backlog and there's nothing easy to pick
I wish we could go ahead with dropping Boost (rm#442). But that's a
project all in itself due to the packaging of the C driver for Mongo.

1.1 would allow to move ahead with removal of -U afterwards (rm#2800).

-- Pete

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