RHEV-M push failure

Pete Zaitcev zaitcev at redhat.com
Mon May 16 16:07:33 UTC 2011

On Fri, 13 May 2011 17:04:56 -0700
Richard Su <rwsu at redhat.com> wrote:

> We've found a bug with pushing images to RHEV-M. Below is the log 
> entries from Imagefactory. Of particular interest is the entry showing 
> ami-id as empty string. From speaking with Ian, Imagefactory is 
> expecting the ami-id to show the RHEV-M UUID.
> 2011-05-13 19:50:39,081 DEBUG imagefactory.ImageWarehouse.ImageWarehouse 
> pid(9276) Message: Getting metadata (('ami-id',)) from 
> http://localhost:9090/images/729061cf-8d69-4c31-b06b-ec60f7257e71
> 2011-05-13 19:50:39,081 DEBUG 
> imagefactory.builders.BaseBuilder.FedoraBuilder pid(9276) Message: Got 
> metadata output of: {'ami-id': ''}

So, something went wrong. At present time, the only way to know what
is to re-run iwhd with -v (by adding IWHD_ARGS="-v" to /etc/sysconfig/iwhd
in Jim's RPMs). And it also causes logs to grow unbound (bz#705101).

I am thinking about capturing the error output from registrations
to be returned in POST result (related to rm#1253). It would need
to be delivered to the requestor from there.

-- Pete

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