[iwhd patch 1/2] Support registration in RHEV-M 2.2

Pete Zaitcev zaitcev at redhat.com
Thu May 12 16:05:04 UTC 2011

On Thu, 12 May 2011 10:04:05 -0400
Jeff Darcy <jdarcy at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 05/11/2011 09:06 PM, Pete Zaitcev wrote:

> >  - Make sure that we transmit data over SSL (albeit in an insecure way).
> Since I'm dealing with SSL stuff in CloudFS, I'm curious.  What kind of
> security gaps are you referring to here?

I do not check the certificate, so MITM is possible, even though I, being
an employee of Red Hat, could coordinate the delivery of root certificates
with RHEV-M people, so we don't even need to pay to CA to make this work.
I am just lazy and hurried.

-- Pete

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