iwhd-0.94 imminent: any pending bugs/changes?

Michael Orazi morazi at redhat.com
Fri May 6 17:50:19 UTC 2011

----- Original Message -----
> With the segfault bug out of the way, I plan to release iwhd-0.94
> within the next few hours. If you have a pending issue or any
> type of change that belongs, please reply to this.


I'm hoping that my team will be able to pull the new version into conductor during the course of the
next week or so.  The biggest feature that I'm unsure of is the ability to handle rhev-m 2.2.  I know
Pete has been investigating and it is quite possible I overlooked the patch and it is already included.

We have a bit of time flexibility, so I'd be completely open to pulling in 0.94 to knock out the
segfault issue and then later pull in another release to get rhev-m 2.2 fully working.

Thanks in advance,

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