[patch] Add logrotate support

Jim Meyering jim at meyering.net
Mon Jul 11 20:51:31 UTC 2011

Pete Zaitcev wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Jul 2011 14:59:56 +0200
> Jim Meyering <jim at meyering.net> wrote:
>> Note that we must not use strerror in a multi-threaded environment
>> since it is not thread-safe []
> How is strerror not thread-safe? It's one of those stupid things
> that standards are made of. One silly man somewhere decided to
> create these messages on the fly and store them in a static
> buffer. Voila, now it's not thread-safe. But everyone else
> has all these messages pre-loaded and just returns pointers
> into these arrays.

Hi Pete,

It may be thread-safe for most inputs on most modern systems, but
thread-related bugs (esp. anything that bites only when you emit a
relatively unlikely diagnostic) are hard enough to diagnose that it's
well worth using the guaranteed-by-POSIX safer strerror_r function or
something like error just to avoid the possibility.

Besides, what about the strings like "Unknown error 244" that
you get for values are not in the table?


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