JSON syntax error on API root

Dave Johnson dajohnso at redhat.com
Thu Apr 14 22:30:48 UTC 2011


I found that when I make a request for the API root and pass it into a
JAVA JSONObject, I get a syntax exception.  Digging around on the web I
found this JSON Validator, http://www.jsonlint.com/, and got the same

syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting TSTRING at line 4
Parsing failed

Basically it doesn't like the first set of curly braces and the
service/version pairs on the API ROOT.  Requests to buckets or keys work
great.  If I remove offending lines and take everything inside the
brackets, it passes.  

So is this expected?  It seems like a issue to me but it is also
deliberate so just curious on what I am missing?  :)

-Dave Johnson

Sample response snippet that fails syntax
	"service": "image_warehouse",
	"version": "0.92",
			"rel": "bucket_factory",
			"link": ""
			"rel": "provider_list",
			"link": ""

valid json snippet
			"rel": "bucket_factory",
			"link": ""
			"rel": "provider_list",
			"link": ""

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