convert to bison/flex (away from peg/leg)

Jim Meyering jim at
Fri Oct 15 19:23:22 UTC 2010

Jeff Darcy wrote:
> On 10/15/2010 09:27 AM, Jim Meyering wrote:
>> I've finished the conversion to bison and flex that Jeff started.
>> Well, not completely finished, but good enough for now.
>> There are still a few tasks remaining, but they can wait.
> The changes look OK to me.  I'd ACK, but you've mentioned that you have
> some %union and other changes still pending.  If you do plan to push
> those, I'd prefer that you not push these first.  Make sense?
> Also, I've attached a patch which re-adds the extra comments from the
> version of query.h that I sent you on 10/7.
> Subject: [PATCH] Add query.h comments back in.

Thanks.  I've applied that and squashed the
patch onto an earlier commit, then pushed the result (non-ff)
to that same bison-flex branch.

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