[patch repod] add autostart of Mongo

Pete Zaitcev zaitcev at redhat.com
Tue Oct 12 15:15:58 UTC 2010

On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 08:36:19 -0400
Jeff Darcy <jdarcy at redhat.com> wrote:

> [...] Also, just out of curiosity, what are the "bug
> in there" comments about libmicrohttpd and stdarg/stdlib referring to?

Usually header files include any definitions they require, e.g. if you
use bool in a struct definition in your header, include stdbool.h.
However for some reason microhttpd.h does not do that, so the including
source has to provide all the dependencies. Our proxy.h is the same way,
but it is not a library header, so we have an excuse. For us it's not
a bug, it's the way we write. For microhttpd.h it's a bug. I separated
the dependency headers that were not used explicitly into a standalone

I'll fix up the ECONNREFUSED thing.

-- Pete

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