[PATCH] tests: remove seemingly unnecessary "sleep 3"

Jim Meyering jim at meyering.net
Wed Oct 6 21:02:27 UTC 2010

Jeff Darcy wrote:
> On 10/06/2010 11:53 AM, Jeff Darcy wrote:
>> On 10/06/2010 11:51 AM, Jim Meyering wrote:
>>> Is your file system ext4?
>> On the host, yes.  The guest mounts my repo directory via sshfs, and I
>> run from there.  I suspect that the error mapping might be an sshfs
>> oddity, but that the underlying problem is not.

sshfs!  That explains it.

> I wasn't able to reproduce this "live" even by running continuously for
> a couple of hours, but I was able to reproduce the exact same symptom by
> "forgetting" to kill the mongod process in cleanup().  Below is the most
> relevant part of the strace output; 21905 is the mongod process, 22322
> is the test shell.  It definitely is returning EPERM when it seems like
> it should succeed (the files are gone) or return ENOTEMPTY (the mongod
> process still has its cwd there).  Interestingly, the exact same test
> run on a local (loopback) filesystem doesn't get EPERM even if we leave
> mongod running.  It just hangs on exit instead.
> I think the "kill -9" change is probably sufficient here.  If it turns
> out not to be, well, we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there.
> 21905 select(7, [5 6], NULL, NULL, {0, 10000} <unfinished ...>
> 22322 <... unlinkat resumed> )          = 0
> 22322 close(5)                          = 0
> 22322 unlinkat(4, "mongod", AT_REMOVEDIR) = -1 EPERM (Operation not

Thanks for investigating.

That looks just like the old SysV "misfeature" (HPUX has it)
that would prohibit one from unlinking a running executable.
But on HPUX it would fail with EBUSY.  From Linux's unlink(2):

       EBUSY (not on Linux)
              The file pathname cannot be unlinked because it  is  being
              used  by the system or another process and the implementa-
              tion considers this an error.

This suggests it's an sshfs driver bug.

> permitted)
> 22322 write(2, "rm: ", 4)               = 4
> 22322 write(2, "cannot remove `/root/repo/t/gt-r"..., 55) = 55
> 22322 write(2, ": Operation not permitted", 25) = 25
> 22322 write(2, "\n", 1)                 = 1
> 22322 newfstatat(4, "repl.out", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0744, st_size=11, ...},
> 22322 unlinkat(4, "repl.out", 0)        = 0
> 22322 close(4)                          = 0
> 22322 close(0)                          = 0
> 22322 close(1)                          = 0
> 22322 close(2)                          = 0
> 22322 exit_group(1)                     = ?
> 21821 <... wait4 resumed> [{WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s) == 1}], 0,
> NULL) = 22322
> 21905 <... select resumed> )            = 0 (Timeout)

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