[Fwd: add leading _ to each reserved attribute name; _size is reserved, too]

Jim Meyering jim at meyering.net
Fri Nov 5 20:48:32 UTC 2010

Jeff Darcy wrote:
> ACK, except that I don't entirely agree with changing "bucket" to
> "_bucket" in the XML/JSON output.  Unlike bucket/object/attribute names
> which can be specified on the input side, "rel" strings are output-only.
> REST religion says that those are supposed to be visible and fixed parts
> of the API, hence as programmer-friendly as possible, and since adding
> underscores in that particular context doesn't actually change any
> semantics it should probably be avoided.

If we avoid the underscore there, there is nothing to distinguish the
reserved "_bucket" from the non-reserved "bucket" in xml or json output.
Isn't that a problem?

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