FUEL Becomes Integral Part of e-Gov Standard vide CoE Marathi

pravin.d.s at gmail.com pravin.d.s at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 09:12:50 UTC 2012

On 6 August 2012 19:00, Nitin Nimkar <nvncom at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I think the most important and critical skill needed at user end is not of
> IT but is of Typing in Indian languages. Here I would like to point out
> that all of us who are involved in IT and localization are bi lingual in
> English and Marathi or any other Indian language, and therefore are
> comfortable using English QWERTY Keyboard for both English and Indian
> languages. Therefore we think that a transliteration method is just the
> best way of inputting info in Indian languages. However, my experience in
> running above mentioned forum and e learning initiative tells me that
> INSCRIPT is the best method of inputting content in Indian Languages. That
> is the most comfortable solution for those who only speak Indian Language.
> I think this is the single most reason why all efforts to update content in
> Indian Languages fail.

I hope you know regarding
https://fedorahosted.org/indic-typing-boosterThis project is presently
in second stage will report in details regarding
second phase soon.

> When we are talking about Unicode, standardisation, etc.  we should also
> give equal importance to the standardization of INSCRIPT Typing across the
> state/Nation. Here, I would like to point out that QWERTY keyboard for
> English has a history of 135 years. An attempt by DOVARK key board which
> comes in all Windows edition could not replace QWERTY for English. However,
> this isn't the case for Indian Languages. We have 8 keyboards in Marathi,
> and those are creating havoc.

Standardization is painful activity. One can udnerstand it from the
perspective that Enhanced Inscript layout is still under Draft stage even
after 3 years.
I remember we started activity with CDAC and DIT regarding standardization
of phonetic/transliteration standardization as well but nothing progressed,
will ping them soon on same.

> I am aware about the initiative by C-Dac of offering various keyboard
> drivers in one application for those who resist to change. This is
> something similar  like Indic IME. This could be a temporarily solution,
> but I think we should make determined efforts to standardise INSCRIPT
> keyboard, for which a driver comes along with all flavours of operating
> systems.

We can recommend but user is king in this case. I think the most effective
solution can be making it mandatory for hardware providers to paste Indic
characters on keyboard itself according to Inscript layout.

> We should embark upon a state wide and a Nation Wide Training and
> Certification program  in INSCRIPT for Government Employees, Teachers,
> professors in Universities, students and for all those who
> are involved with Indian Languages.  Let us ignore the present employees
> who are resisting to change from earlier keyboards. But let us not leave
> this as a loose end.  My experience with the students and teachers is very
> much encouraging.  The students, teachers and those who do not have a
> baggage of non INSRIPT keyboard learn the basic typing skills in just 15 to
> 20 days with a practice of 1 hour daily. So it is a question of only 15 to
> 20 hours for a learner.

That is good to know. Yeah even me too think Govt. should push it little
bit harder.

> I have taken initiative at personal level to teach INSCRIPT typing to all
> those who are involved with our websites, e learning initiatives. However,
> if we can reach to other sections of the society with the help of C-Dac or
> Red Hat and Government, we can change the situation. I think I will be of
> some help with this initiative.

I am planning one session on Marathi and Open source in Red Hat, Pune
around first week of October to let know developments happened on Language
side example Indic typing booster, Fonts, Standards side. Hoping so it will
help. Same we can execute for other languages as well.

> On  a lighter note, I would like to inform you all that, I read yesterday
> in a news paper that Kabir Khan, director in Bollywood, told media that
> Katrina Kaif is the only actress who needs Hindi script in
> Devanagari, because she has learned Hindi that way. But to get those script
> typed in Devanagri is a hell of a job for Bollywood, because there are not
> many who can type in Devanagari efficiently. Can we change this situation?

Consistent efforts can definitely help this.

Thanks for informative mail.

Pravin Satpute
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