How do I allow upnp media play?

Thomas Woerner twoerner at
Wed Mar 13 09:47:14 UTC 2013

On 03/12/2013 11:11 PM, Joe Julian wrote:
> I've set my wife up with fedora 18 and have had to disable firewalld in
> order to allow her to watch stuff on our media server. I'd like to
> configure things correctly though. It looks like we query the ssdp port
> on the media server over udp and that reply is blocked.
> This seems odd since the client sends an ssdp query to the server first.
> I would have expected the RELATED,ESTABLISHED to match.
 > What's the right way to allow this to connect?

This depends on mulicast or unicast use in the server and client.

Here is a test service entry for UPNP:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <port protocol="udp" port="1900"/>
   <destination ipv4=""/>

Please place it in /etc/firewalld/services/upnp.xml and activate it in 
the zone you are using.

Is this working for you?

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