firewall-cmd - rich-rule - permanent configuration

Jiri Popelka jpopelka at
Fri Jul 26 17:27:05 UTC 2013

On 07/26/2013 05:44 PM, poma wrote:
> # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule forward-port port="2222" to-port="22" to-addr="" protocol="tcp" family="ipv4" source address=""'
> # firewall-cmd --permanent --list-rich-rules
> rule family="ipv4" source address="" forward-port port="2222" protocol="tcp" to-port="22" to-addr=""

The thing is that when firewalld adds a rich rule, this string rule is 
parsed and its representation is created in firewalld.
Then when we want to list rich rules, the internal representation of 
rule is exported into string - but this string can be different from the 
one that was previously passed to --add-rich-rule. That's all right, 
because their meaning is the same, they just may have different order of 

> # firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-rich-rule='rule forward-port port="2222" to-port="22" to-addr="" protocol="tcp" family="ipv4" source address=""'

Problem is that when we remove or query rich-rule, in 
FirewallClientConfigZoneSettings() we compare this not yet 
parsed&exported string with already parsed&exported string and I said 
above the string may be different even their meaning is the same. And in 
this case the rule is not removed (or query fails).

I think in FirewallClientConfigZoneSettings() in 
{add|remove|query}RichRule() we need to first pass the input string 
through the parser&"exporter" before we can compare the string-only 


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