preparing for elfutils 0.162 (next week)

Mark Wielaard mjw at
Tue Jun 2 12:25:48 UTC 2015


It has been 6 months since 0.161 and it really is time for a new
release. There have been more than 120 commits since 0.161. x32 backend
support, eu-addr2line improvements, elfutils/known-dwarf.h header,
better uclibc support, various bug fixes, making the code base gcc
-fsanitize=undefined clean plus lots of hardening patches (I hope we are
now free from any known crashes on bad ELF file or DWARF data input).

There are still some patches pending and some not completely finished
projects (c++ iterators, detailed libdwfl errors). Lets see how much of
that we can finish this week and postpone the rest till the next

I would like to get any pending work in this week and then stabilize,
test and release next week. Please let me know if you really want to
land something before 0.162.



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