[patch] Detect infinite backtraces

Mark Wielaard mjw at redhat.com
Tue Jan 21 16:11:26 UTC 2014

On Mon, 2014-01-20 at 10:57 -0500, Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:
> > That is not very pretty. Lets just make sure unwinding works normally in
> > all cases, so we don't need such hacks.
> (Note that in the context of backtraces, you need to consider not only
> 100% standards-compliant and perfect state, but the possible presence
> of corrupted data.  Handling "all cases" including those with corrupted
> register / stack / ELF data could be a challenge.

Right. That is actually why I like having a consistency check, it can
not just be bad CFI/DWARF data, but also a corrupt user state that makes
us return invalid frames. My point was that we should make sure that any
consistency check we do use doesn't reject normally valid cases.
Especially since we seem to have identified various cases already that
would need exception handling to suppress the check otherwise.



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